Source code for optimizer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

__author__ = ['Mattia Ceccarelli', 'Nico Curti']
__email__ = ['', '']

[docs]class Optimizer (object): ''' Abstract base class for the optimizers Parameters ---------- lr : float (default=2e-2) Learning rate value decay : float (default=0.) Learning rate decay lr_min : float (default=0.) Minimum of learning rate domain lr_max : float (default=np.inf) Maximum of learning rate domain *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, lr=1e-3, decay=0., lr_min=0., lr_max=np.inf, *args, **kwargs): = lr self.decay = decay self.lr_min = lr_min self.lr_max = lr_max self.iterations = 1
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the optimizer parameters Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- self ''' *= 1. / (self.decay * self.iterations + 1.) = np.clip(, self.lr_min, self.lr_max) self.iterations += 1
def __repr__ (self): ''' Representation ''' class_name = self.__class__.__qualname__ try: params = super(type(self), self).__init__.__code__.co_varnames except AttributeError: params = self.__init__.__code__.co_varnames params = set(params) - {'self', 'args', 'kwargs'} args = ', '.join(['{0}={1}'.format(k, str(getattr(self, k))) if not isinstance(getattr(self, k), str) else '{0}="{1}"'.format(k, str(getattr(self, k))) for k in params]) return '{0}({1})'.format(class_name, args) def __str__ (self): ''' Printer ''' return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class SGD (Optimizer): ''' Stochastic Gradient Descent specialization Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python parameter -= learning_rate * gradient Parameters ---------- *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs): super(SGD, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' for p, g in zip(params, gradients): p -= * g # np.clip(g, -1., 1.) super(SGD, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class Momentum (Optimizer): ''' Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum specialiation Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python v = momentum * v - lr * gradient parameter += v - learning_rate * gradient Parameters ---------- momentum : float (default=0.9) Momentum value *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, momentum=.9, *args, **kwargs): super(Momentum, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.momentum = momentum self.velocity = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' if self.velocity is None: self.velocity = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(self.velocity, params, gradients)): v = self.momentum * v - * g # np.clip(g, -1., 1.) p += v self.velocity[i] = v super(Momentum, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class NesterovMomentum (Optimizer): ''' Stochastic Gradient Descent with Nesterov Momentum specialiation Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python v = momentum * v - lr * gradient parameter += momentum * v - learning_rate * gradient Parameters ---------- momentum : float (default=0.9) Momentum value *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, momentum=.9, *args, **kwargs): super(NesterovMomentum, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.momentum = momentum self.velocity = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' if self.velocity is None: self.velocity = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(self.velocity, params, gradients)): v = self.momentum * v - * g # np.clip(g, -1., 1.) p += self.momentum * v - * g # np.clip(g, -1., 1.) self.velocity[i] = v super(NesterovMomentum, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class Adagrad (Optimizer): ''' Adagrad optimizer specialization Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python c += gradient * gradient parameter -= learning_rate * gradient / (sqrt(c) + epsilon) Parameters ---------- epsilon : float (default=1e-6) Precision parameter to overcome numerical overflows *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, epsilon=1e-6, *args, **kwargs): super(Adagrad, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epsilon = epsilon self.cache = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' if self.cache is None: self.cache = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (c, p, g) in enumerate(zip(self.cache, params, gradients)): c += g * g p -= * g / (np.sqrt(c) + self.epsilon) self.cache[i] = c super(Adagrad, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class RMSprop (Optimizer): ''' RMSprop optimization algorithm Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python c = rho * c + (1. - rho) * gradient * gradient parameter -= learning_rate * gradient / (sqrt(c) + epsilon) Parameters ---------- rho : float (default=0.9) Decay factor epsilon : float (default=1e-6) Precision parameter to overcome numerical overflows *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, rho=.9, epsilon=1e-6, *args, **kwargs): super(RMSprop, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rho = rho self.epsilon = epsilon self.cache = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' if self.cache is None: self.cache = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (c, p, g) in enumerate(zip(self.cache, params, gradients)): c = self.rho * c + (1 - self.rho) * g * g p -= ( * g / (np.sqrt(c) + self.epsilon)) self.cache[i] = c super(RMSprop, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class Adadelta (Optimizer): ''' AdaDelta optimization algorithm Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python c = rho * c + (1. - rho) * gradient * gradient update = gradient * sqrt(d + epsilon) / (sqrt(c) + epsilon) parameter -= learning_rate * update d = rho * d + (1. - rho) * update * update Parameters ---------- rho : float (default=0.9) Decay factor epsilon : float (default=1e-6) Precision parameter to overcome numerical overflows *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-6, *args, **kwargs): super(Adadelta, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rho = rho self.epsilon = epsilon self.cache = None = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' if self.cache is None: self.cache = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] if is None: = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (c, d, p, g) in enumerate(zip(self.cache,, params, gradients)): c = self.rho * c + (1 - self.rho) * g * g update = g * np.sqrt(d + self.epsilon) / np.sqrt(c + self.epsilon) p -= * update d = self.rho * d + (1 - self.rho) * update * update self.cache[i] = c[i] = d super(Adadelta, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class Adam (Optimizer): ''' Adam optimization algorithm Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python at = learning_rate * sqrt(1 - B2**iterations) / (1 - B1**iterations) m = B1 * m + (1 - B1) * gradient v = B2 * m + (1 - B2) * gradient * gradient parameter -= at * m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon) Parameters ---------- beta1 : float (default=0.9) B1 factor beta2 : float (default=0.999) B2 factor epsilon : float (default=1e-8) Precision parameter to overcome numerical overflows *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, *args, **kwargs): super(Adam, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.epsilon = epsilon = None self.vs = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' a_t = * np.sqrt(1 - np.power(self.beta2, self.iterations)) / \ (1 - np.power(self.beta1, self.iterations)) if is None: = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] if self.vs is None: self.vs = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (m, v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(, self.vs, params, gradients)): m = self.beta1 * m + (1 - self.beta1) * g v = self.beta2 * v + (1 - self.beta2) * g * g p -= a_t * m / (np.sqrt(v) + self.epsilon)[i] = m self.vs[i] = v super(Adam, self).update(params, gradients) return params
[docs]class Adamax (Optimizer): ''' Adamax optimization algorithm Update the parameters according to the rule .. code-block:: python at = learning_rate / (1 - B1**iterations) m = B1 * m + (1 - B1) * gradient v = max(B2 * v, abs(gradient)) parameter -= at * m / (v + epsilon) Parameters ---------- beta1 : float (default=0.9) B1 factor beta2 : float (default=0.999) B2 factor epsilon : float (default=1e-8) Precision parameter to overcome numerical overflows *args : list Class specialization variables. **kwargs : dict Class Specialization variables. ''' def __init__ (self, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, *args, **kwargs): super(Adamax, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.epsilon = epsilon = None self.vs = None
[docs] def update (self, params, gradients): ''' Update the given parameters according to the class optimization algorithm Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to update gradients : list List of corresponding gradients Returns ------- params : list The updated parameters ''' a_t = / (1 - np.power(self.beta1, self.iterations)) if is None: = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] if self.vs is None: self.vs = [np.zeros(shape=p.shape, dtype=float) for p in params] for i, (m, v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(, self.vs, params, gradients)): m = self.beta1 * m + (1 - self.beta1) * g v = np.maximum(self.beta2 * v, np.abs(g)) p -= a_t * m / (v + self.epsilon)[i] = m self.vs[i] = v super(Adamax, self).update(params, gradients) return params