Source code for image

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import cv2
import numpy as np

from NumPyNet.image_utils import image_utils
from NumPyNet.image_utils import normalization

__author__ = ['Mattia Ceccarelli', 'Nico Curti']
__email__ = ['', '']

[docs]class Image (object): ''' Constructor of the image object. If filename the load function loads the image file. Parameters ---------- filename : str (default=None) Image filename ''' def __init__ (self, filename=None): if filename is not None: self.load(filename) else: self._data = None @property def shape (self): ''' Get the image dimensions ''' return self._data.shape
[docs] def add_single_batch (self): ''' Add batch dimension for testing layer Returns ------- self ''' self._data = np.expand_dims(self._data, axis=0) return self
[docs] def remove_single_batch (self): ''' Remove batch dimension for testing layer Returns ------- self ''' self._data = np.squeeze(self._data, axis=0) return self
def _image2cv (self, img): ''' Convert image from image-fmt to opencv fmt Parameters ---------- img : array-like Input image to convert Returns ------- cv_img : array-like Image as uint8 nd-array Notes ----- .. note:: The channels are automatically converted from RGB 2 BGR for OpenCV compatibility ''' # constrain img = np.clip(img, 0., 1.) # normalize between [0, 255] img *= 255. # rgb 2 bgr img = img[..., ::-1].astype('uint8') return img def _cv2image (self, img): ''' Convert image from opencv-fmt to image-fmt Parameters ---------- img : array-like Input image to convert Returns ------- Image_img : array-like Image as float [0., 1.] nd-array Notes ----- .. note:: The channels are automatically converted from BGR 2 RGB for Image compatibility ''' img = img.astype('float64') # bgr 2 rgb img = img[..., ::-1] # normalize between [0, 1] img *= 1. / 255. return img def __array__ (self): ''' Compatibility with numpy array. In this way np.array(Image_object) is a valid 3D array and you can also simply call plt.imshow(Image_object) without other intermediate steps. ''' return def _get_color (self, x, max): ''' Get the color ''' ratio = (x / max) * len(image_utils.num_box_colors - 1) i, j = np.floor(ratio), np.ceil(ratio) ratio -= i r, g, b = image_utils.colors[i] return ( (1. - ratio) * b + ratio * b, (1. - ratio) * g + ratio * g, (1. - ratio) * r + ratio * r )
[docs] def get (self): ''' Return the data object as a numpy array Returns ------- data : array-like Image data as numpy array ''' return self._data
[docs] def load (self, filename): ''' Read Image from file Parameters ---------- filename : str Image filename path Returns ------- self ''' if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError('Could not open or find the data file. Given: {}'.format(filename)) # read image from file img = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) self._data = self._cv2image(img) return self
[docs] def standardize (self, means, process=normalization.normalize): ''' Remove or add train mean-image from current image Parameters ---------- means : array_like Array of means to apply to the image process : normalization (int, default = normalize) Switch between normalization (0) and denormalization (1) Returns ------- self ''' if process is normalization.normalize: self._data += means elif process is normalization.denormalize: self._data -= means return self
[docs] def rescale (self, var, process=normalization.normalize): ''' Divide or multiply by train variance-image Parameters ---------- variances : array_like Array of variances to apply to the image process : normalization (int) Switch between normalization and denormalization Returns ------- self ''' if process is normalization.normalize: inv_vars = 1. / var self._data *= inv_vars elif process is normalization.denormalize: self._data *= var return self
[docs] def scale (self, scaling, process=normalization.normalize): ''' Scale image values Parameters ---------- scale : float Scale factor to apply to the image process : normalization (int, default = normalize) Switch between normalization (0) and denormalization (1) Returns ------- self ''' if process is normalization.normalize: self._data *= scaling elif process is normalization.denormalize: inv_scaling = 1. / scaling self._data *= inv_scaling return self
[docs] def scale_between (self, minimum, maximum): ''' Rescale image value between min and max Parameters ---------- minimum : float (default = 0.) Min value maximum : float (default = 1.) Max value Returns ------- self ''' diff = maximum - minimum self._data = self._data * diff + minimum return self
[docs] def mean_std_norm (self): ''' Normalize the current image as .. code-block:: python image = (image - mean) / variance Returns ------- self ''' mean = np.mean(self._data) var = 1. / np.var(self._data) self._data = (self._data - mean) * var return self
[docs] def flip (self, axis=-1): ''' Flip the image along given axis (0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical) Parameters ---------- axis : int (default=0) Axis to flip Returns ------- self ''' cv2.flip(self._data, axis) return self
[docs] def transpose (self): ''' Transpose width and height Returns ------- self ''' self._data = self._data.transpose(1, 0, 2) return self
[docs] def rotate (self, angle): ''' Rotate the image according to the given angle in degree fmt. Parameters ---------- angle : float Angle in degree fmt Returns ------- rotated : Image Rotated image Note ---- .. note:: This rotation preserves the original size so some original parts can be removed from the rotated image. See 'rotate_bound' for a conservative rotation. References ---------- ''' h, w = self._data.shape[:2] center = (w // 2, h // 2) rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center=center, angle=angle, scale=1.0) self._data = cv2.warpAffine(self._data, M=rotation_matrix, dsize=(w, h)) return self
[docs] def rotate_bound (self, angle): ''' Rotate the image according to the given angle in degree fmt. Parameters ---------- angle : float Angle in degree fmt Returns ------- rotated : Image Rotated image Note ---- .. note:: This rotation preserves the original image, so the output can be greater than the original size. See 'rotate' for a rotation which preserves the size. References ---------- ''' # grab the dimensions of the image and then determine the # center (h, w) = self._data.shape[:2] (cX, cY) = (w // 2, h // 2) # grab the rotation matrix (applying the negative of the # angle to rotate clockwise), then grab the sine and cosine # (i.e., the rotation components of the matrix) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center=(cX, cY), angle=angle, scale=1.0) cos = np.abs(M[0, 0]) sin = np.abs(M[0, 1]) # compute the new bounding dimensions of the image nW = int((h * sin) + (w * cos)) nH = int((h * cos) + (w * sin)) # adjust the rotation matrix to take into account translation M[0, 2] += (nW / 2) - cX M[1, 2] += (nH / 2) - cY # perform the actual rotation and return the image self._data = cv2.warpAffine(self._data, M=M, dsize=(nW, nH)) return self
[docs] def crop (self, dsize, size): ''' Crop the image according to the given dimensions [dsize[0] : dsize[0] + size[0], dsize[1] : dsize[1] + size[1]] Parameters ---------- dsize : 2D iterable (X, Y) of the crop size : 2D iterable (width, height) of the crop Returns ------- cropped : Image Cropped image ''' dx, dy = dsize sx, sy = size self._data = self._data[dx : dx + sx, dy : dy + sy] return self
[docs] def rgb2rgba (self): ''' Add alpha channel to the original image Returns ------- self Notes ----- .. note:: Pay attention to the value of the alpha channel! OpenCV does not set its values to null but they are and empty (garbage) array. ''' self._data = cv2.cvtColor(self._data, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA) return self
[docs] def show (self, window_name, ms=0, fullscreen=None): ''' show the image Parameters ---------- window_name : str Name of the plot ms : int (default=0) Milliseconds to wait Returns ------- check : bool True if everything is ok ''' img = self._image2cv(self._data) # show image if ms == 0: print('Press ESC to close the window', flush=True) cv2.imshow(window_name, img) if fullscreen: cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) cv2.waitKey(ms) return True
[docs] def save (self, filename): ''' save the image Parameters ---------- filename : str Output filename of the image Returns ------- True if everything is ok ''' img = self._image2cv(self._data) # save image cv2.imwrite(filename + '.png', img) return True
[docs] def from_numpy_matrix (self, array): ''' Use numpy array as the image Parameters ---------- array : array_like buffer of the input image as (width, height, channel) Returns ------- self ''' self._data = array return self
[docs] def from_frame (self, array): ''' Use opencv frame array as the image ''' self._data = self._cv2image(array) return self
[docs] def resize (self, dsize=None, scale_factor=(None, None)): ''' Resize the image according to the new shape given Parameters ---------- dsize : 2D iterable (default=None) Destination size of the image scale_factor : 2D iterable (default=(None, None)) width scale factor, height scale factor Returns ------- res : Image Resized Image Notes ----- .. note:: The resize is performed using the LANCZOS interpolation. ''' fx, fy = scale_factor return cv2.resize(self._data, dsize=dsize, fx=fx, fy=fy, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
[docs] def letterbox (self, net_dim): ''' resize image with unchanged aspect ratio using padding Parameters ---------- net_dim : 2D iterable width and height outputs Returns ------- resized : Image Resized Image ''' resized = Image() img_h, img_w, _ = self._data.shape net_w, net_h = net_dim mins = min(net_w / img_w, net_h / img_h) new_w, new_h = int(img_w * mins), int(img_h * mins) resized_image = cv2.resize(self._data, (new_w, new_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) delta_w, delta_h = net_w - new_w, net_h - new_h top, left = delta_h // 2, delta_w // 2 bottom, right = delta_h - top, delta_w - left resized._data = cv2.copyMakeBorder(resized_image, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) return resized
[docs] def draw_detections (self, dets, thresh, names): ''' Draw the detections into the current image Parameters ---------- dets : Detection list List of pre-computed detection objects thresh : float Probability threshold to filter the boxes names : iterable List of object names as strings Returns ------- self ''' width = 1 if self.height < 167 else int(self.height * 6e-3) for d in dets: index = np.where(d.prob > thresh)[0] labels = None if index: labels = ', '.join(names[index]) perf = '\n'.join(['{0}: {1:.3f}%'.format(name, prob * 100.) for name, prob in zip(names[index], d.prob[index]) ]) print(perf) if labels is not None: num_obj = labels.count(',') + 1 offset = num_obj * 123457 % len(names) r, g, b = self._get_color(offset, len(names)) left, right, top, bottom = ( (d.bbox.x - d.bbox.w * .5) * self.width, (d.bbox.x + d.bbox.w * .5) * self.width, (d.bbox.y - d.bbox.h * .5) * self.height, (d.bbox.y + d.bbox.h * .5) * self.height ) left = np.clip(left, 0, self.width) right = np.clip(right, 0, self.width) top = np.clip(top, 0, self.height) bottom = np.clip(bottom, 0, self.height) # detection box cv2.rectangle(img=self._data, pt1=(left, top), pt2=(right, bottom), color=(r, g, b), thickness=width) # get string text size (label_w, label_h), baseline = cv2.getTextSize(labels, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, fontScale=1, thickness=1) # boxe around the string cv2.rectangle(img=self._data, pt1=(left, top - label_h - baseline), pt2=(left + label_w, top), color=(r, g, b), thickness=cv2.FILLED) # label string cv2.putText(img=self._data, text=labels, org=(left, top + baseline - label_h), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, fontScale=1, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=1, lineType=1) return self
@property def width(self): ''' Get the image width ''' return self._data.shape[0] @property def height(self): ''' Get the image height ''' return self._data.shape[1] @property def channels(self): ''' Get the image number of channels ''' return self._data.shape[2]
if __name__ == '__main__': filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'dog.jpg') img = Image(filename) resized = img.letterbox(net_dim=(416, 416)) cv2.namedWindow('Test', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)'Test') cv2.destroyAllWindows()