Route layer

class layers.route_layer.Route_layer(input_layers, by_channels=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: NumPyNet.layers.base.BaseLayer

Route layer

For Now the idea is: it takes the seleted layers output and concatenate them along the batch axis OR the channels axis

YOLOv3 implementation always concatenate by channels

By definition, this layer can’t be used without a Network model.

  • input_layers (int or list of int.) – indexes of the layers in the network for which the outputs have to concatenated.

  • by_channels (bool, (default = True).) – It determines along which dimension the concatenation is performed. For examples if two input with size (b1, w, h , c) and (b2, w, h, c) are concatenated with by_channels=False, then the final output shape will be (b1 + b2, w, h, c). Otherwise, if the shapes are (b, w, h, c1) and (b, w, h, c2) and axis=3, the final output size will be (b, w, h, c1 + c2) (YOLOv3 model). Notice that the all the other dimensions must be equal.




backward(delta, network)[source]

Sum to the correct layer delta on the network

  • delta (array-like) – delta array of shape (batch, w, h, c). Global delta to be backpropagated.

  • network (Network object type.) – The network model to which this layer belongs to.

Return type



Concatenate along chosen axis the outputs of selected network layers In main CNN applications, like YOLOv3, the concatenation happens long channels axis


network (Network object type.) – The network model to which this layer belongs to.

Return type


property out_shape

Get the output shape


out_shape – Tuple as (batch, out_w, out_h, out_c)

Return type
